Behind-the-scenes with Ian Boddy for Vogue Bambini
So we often like to get into the heads of our favourite photographers and explore the deeper meaning of life and other important matters.
Read the conversation with amazing photographer Ian Boddy who just shot for Vogue Bambini at our location Belt Craft.
How did you get into photography?
My dad bought me a camera when I was a boy and I thought I’d better use it.
How long have you been in the business?
When I started assisting people smoked in studios and airplanes and waited around for polaroids.
What’s your favourite area of photography and why?
I love the area that I’m in – kids fashion. Kids are cool. Well, most of them.
What’s your favourite place you’ve travelled to and why?
I always love shooting in Cape Town. And New York is exciting. But I spent 2 weeks in Fiji, years ago, on the way home from a year in Australia and that is probably the best place I’ve travelled to.
What cameras do you shoot with?
Canon 1DX and sometimes an old Hasselblad film camera. Still love a poly.
Which famous person, dead or alive, would you like to have photographed?
My Grandparents were not famous but I wish they’d all lived longer so I could have photographed them.
What do you like about the business?
I’m doing exactly what I love for a living. It’s fun, rewarding, sometimes quite irreverent. I get to work with lovely people, making award-winning images. (I’ve never won an award)
What don’t you like about the business?
All photographers have experienced the stress caused by lean periods, it’s never nice.
Who’s your favourite person that you’ve shot?
It’s wrong to have favourites. (I’ll tell you later)
Which blogs do you read?
Lots about motorbikes and Arseblog which despite the name is actually about Arsenal FC.
What’s your favourite studio or location to shoot in and why?
I shoot all over the place but quite a lot at Big Sky, Iris, Street, Perseverance Works, Jet, Spring, lots & lots of location houses…
Have you had any tropical diseases?
What do you look for in an assistant?
I’ve got a great little gang of freelancers who have all worked with me for quite a while, they all have the same thing in common which is being utterly brilliant at everything and never making mistakes.
Do you have any funny studio or trip stories?
I hate funny stories.
Do you have one of those beige waistcoats with all the pockets in?
Oh sure, loads! I love them.
Do you have a favourite picture that you’ve shot?
Well I just photographed a very dear friend with her family, just before she passed away. At the moment they are my most cherished pictures.
Been to any good parties recently?
Hardly any really. But the Carol Hayes Xmas one at The Groucho last year was fun and I’m looking forward to it again soon.
Where do you live and what do you like about it?
I live in East Dulwich. It’s terribly lovely.
If you weren’t a photographer what would you be doing now?
I genuinely don’t know although I always fancied being a Moto GP racer or a Tour de France rider. Shame!
How do you see the business changing over the next 10 years?
Errr… that’s hard to know, it’s changing all the time. I hope I’m still happily shooting away to find out.
Photographer: Ian Boddy | Client: Vogue Bambini | Location: Belt Craft