Puppy Love (Pt.1)
October 19, 2017
We’re big dog lovers here at 1st Option HQ…
So I’ve pulled some of our favourite hounds to brighten up your Thursday…
From Great Danes to Cocker Spaniels, we’ve got you covered!
In Sevenoaks at the unique, modern Prism we have a graceful Great Dane often found taking the lift. Next up we have a gorgeous Cocker Spaniel taking a short break at the elegant Dalston Delight…
Heading North to the beautiful Lordship Park, a stunning greyhound can be found pondering life (aka what to have for dinner)…
Saving the best until last. If you don’t already know the duo: meet Violet and Lilly (menace)… Violet dislikes opera and Lily is mad for anything edible.
To be continued…
Sophia x