In this section you’ll find our wide range of houses that feature wallpaper throughout. Wallpaper can make a great focal point for photo shoots and filming injecting personality, texture and colour into a space.
The history of wallpaper is vibrant and fascinating as it marks patterns of consumption and mass domestic taste. So what did wallpaper look like over 100 years ago? Is it dissimilar to what we buy from our local interior shops today? Lets have a look!
Originating in the 16th century, wallpapers were used to decorate the insides of small rooms and storage spaces in the homes of the working class opposed to the stately homes of the upper classes. These wallpapers were block-printed and coloured by hand. By the 19th century it was being used all over the home, in hallways, bathrooms, bedrooms and kitchens. It was a feature in the wealthiest and poorest homes. At this point designers were exploring different kinds of patterns, which included flocking and scenic papers. Wallpaper in 20th Century benefitted from advances in technology that led to lasting dyes, easier application and more durable papers. Digital printing has allowed 21st designers to experiment with unexpected patterns and unusual murals.
So have a browse around our properties that feature wallpaper, from traditional and classic to retro prints, floral, on-trend colours that all bring something different to each house they decorate. We’d be delighted to help you find your perfect match of wallpaper, so please do not hesitate to get in contact with one of our helpful team members.